Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedure
The aim of this policy is to ensure the safety of adults accessing Student Community Action (SCA) and in particular to
• To promote good practice and ensure that volunteers are able to work in a environment where they and SCA clients are safe
• To allow volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific Safeguarding Adults issues
• To ensure that adults at risk and their carers (if appropriate) are aware of what to do if they have a concern about a SCA volunteer or staff member and that they would feel confident to pass their concern on.
When working with vulnerable adults, SCA staff, volunteers and governing bodies will ensure that they
• Respect and promote their dignity and human rights.
• Promote their health and welfare.
• Work in a way which safeguards the wellbeing of each adult and protect them from abuse and neglect.
• Take appropriate steps if they became aware of any signs / incidents of abuse and neglect.
• Take appropriate steps to make sure SCA members are not left unsupervised with adults who may require personal or medical care.
• SCA volunteers will, where appropriate, be left alone in a client’s home after a risk assessment and home visit has been completed and we consider risks to be low, and that volunteers will in these cases always have DBS clearance and a positive reference.
To achieve this, the Student Community Action Executive Committee will appoint a Designated Safeguarding and Prevent Officer who is responsible for implementing this safeguarding policy. That person is currently Nicky Massey 01223 926101/ 07749738870
• Ensure that the welfare of vulnerable adults is given the highest priority by the organisation, its management and volunteers
• Promote good practice and ensure that volunteers are able to work with vulnerable adults
• Ensure that this Practice Guidance and Procedures is enacted and monitored including the briefing, training and gathering feedback from volunteers
• Monitor contact with vulnerable adults to ensure that the frequency and intensity of contact is consistent with what is appropriate for SCA volunteers.
• Act as the main contact for disclosing information around safeguarding vulnerable adult concerns
• Ensure that the concerns of vulnerable adults are heard and acted a upon
• Be responsible for reporting incidents or concerns to appropriate authorities
• Attend appropriate training relevant to the level of engagement with vulnerable adults to ensure all staff/volunteers remain up to date with current practice and legislation
While it is not possible to prevent all abuse, there are a number of steps SCA volunteers can take to reduce the risk of abuse occurring.
You should:
- Know what abuse is
- Know how it can happen
- Be alert to indicators or potential abuse situations
- Know the procedures for reporting concerns and poor practice
In Cambridgeshire eleven categories of abuse are recognised by Social Care professionals.
Physical abuse i.e. hitting, punching, slapping, forced feeding, shaking, misuse of medication or restraint.
Psychological abuse i.e. shouting, harassment, humiliation, intimidation, coercion, threats of harm.
Financial / Material abuse i.e. fraud, exploitation, theft, misappropriation of property or benefits.
Sexual abuse i.e. rape inappropriate touching, indecent exposure, sexual assault, pressure to consent.
Institutional abuse i.e. collective failure to provide an appropriate & professional service to vulnerable adults.
Neglect or Acts of omission i.e. ignoring medical or physical care needs, withholding medication, adequate nutrition or heating.
Discriminatory abuse i.e. racism, sexism, ageism, based on a persona disability and other form of harassment or slurs.
Domestic Violence i.e. Generic term to describe a range of behaviours often used by one person to control or dominate another with whom they have a close relationship.
Stranger abuse i.e. Abuse of a vulnerable adult by someone unknown to them, for example, distraction burglary.
Poor professional practice i.e. isolated incidents or unsatisfactory profession practice at one end of the spectrum through to pervasive ill treatment or gross misconduct at the other.
Harm i.e. ill treatment, impairment of, or avoidable deterioration in physical or mental health.
Responding to disclosures
- Remain calm
- Listen carefully
- Reassure the person that you are treating their information seriously
- Explain you are required to share the information with SCA Staff
- Reassure the person
- Do not promise to keep the disclosure a secret
- Do not be judgemental
- Do not stop someone from freely recalling significant events
- Do not discuss the disclosure with others outside the investigation
- Report the information immediately
- Do not interrogate the person
- Make written record of what the person told you
Make a written record of what the person actually said, using his or her own words and phrases, whenever possible.
Please include:
- What was said
- How it was said
- Who was mentioned
- What you said
- Where & when did the disclosure take place
- Where & when did the incident take place
- It should be a factual account—distinguish fact from opinion
- Sign and write the time, date and location on the report.
SCA Safeguarding Officer: – Nicky Massey
Phone number 01223 92 6101/ 07833049179
Student Services, Benet Street, New Museum Site, Cambridge CB2 3PT
MASH (for Professionals) – 0345 045 1362
MASH (for Public) – 0345 045 5203