Student Community Action DBS Policy

Who we Complete a DBS form for

We will process a DBS for all potential staff or volunteers who will be working with children or vulnerable adults.

Volunteers working with a child or vulnerable adult on a one-to-one basis should only start working with the child once the DBS has been returned.

For volunteers who have been in the UK for less than 6 months, a DBS is required if they have been resident in the UK for more than three months. In addition, for any volunteers who have been in the UK for less than 6 months the below is required:

1) A good written reference for the volunteer from someone who has known them at least 2 years
2) A signed statement that they have NO criminal convictions, reprimands or warning

3) A criminal record check or ‘Certificate of Good Conduct’ from all countries that they have resided in. If there is a cost to obtaining these certificates the volunteer should inform SCA of the total anticipated cost prior to payment. If the cost is deemed reasonable SCA will reimburse the total cost

For further information on DBS checks and ‘Certificates of Good Conduct’ please see the below: abroad/criminal-record-checks.html blocks/wikis/display/CEFDIGITAL/2020/09/23/Request+a+certificate+of+good+co nduct+with+eID


We will accept applicants who are on the DBS Update Service as long as the original disclosure can be shown, and the ID reference and date of birth are provided so that the update can be checked at:

In general, we will not accept portability of DBSs, except in circumstances where SCA has processed the applicants DBS for another organisation within the past 6 months and the type of work they will be doing is similar e.g., both roles involve working with children.

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If an applicant has a DBS which is less than 6 months old then we will still do a new DBS form for SCA, but the applicant will be allowed to start volunteering immediately as long as the client / project leader is informed and agrees to this arrangement.

How often we Re check

We will re-check staff and volunteers every three years. Additional or more regular checks may be required for certain schools or clients.

Storage of DBSs

As an organisation using the Disclosure and Barring (DBS) service to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions of trust, Cambridge Student Community Action complies fully with the DBS Code of Practice regarding the correct handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosures and Disclosure information. It also complies fully with its obligations under the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation pertaining to the safe handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosure information.

When a DBS has been returned to an applicant, we will email the applicant to arrange an appointment to come into the office to show us their disclosure. At this appointment we will then check to see if there are any disclosures on it. If the returned DBS shows no disclosures and is clear we will record the volunteers name, disclosure number and the date of issue.

If the volunteer fails to come into the office to show their disclosure, they will not be able to volunteer with SCA.

If there are disclosures on it we will request that the applicant leave the form with us so we can complete an Objective Assessment for Disclosure of Criminal Conviction for an Applicant Form for the role they intend to carry out with SCA. While we are completing that process (which should take no more than 4 weeks) the disclosure will be stored in a lockable, non-portable, storage containers (silver cupboard in the office) with access strictly controlled and limited to those who are entitled to see it as part of their duties as staff members or trustees of SCA.

Recruitment of ex offenders

In accordance with section 124 of the Police Act 1997, Disclosure information is only passed to those who are authorised to receive it in the course of their duties.

This includes the SCA Manager, Volunteers and Projects Officer and Trustee Employment Group.

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All disclosures recorded on DBS for potential SCA Volunteers or staff are discussed at the Employment Group, however, no names are mentioned. We simply refer to applicants as “Applicant A” etc. The employment group will use the document “Objective Assessment for Disclosure of Criminal Conviction for an Applicant” used by Cambridge University to help them make an objective decision. OncetheEmploymentGrouphavetakenadecisionastowhethera volunteer is suitable to work with SCA, the information is recorded in the minutes and the decision is recorded on the back of the applicant’s disclosure (stating who the person was referred to in the minutes and the date of the meeting). The original DBS Disclosure will them be returned to the applicant.

Ratified by SCA Executive Committee Reviewed by Trustees March 2023